Accountability Coach

Coaching and Mentoring to keep you on track to complete your online course

Individually Scheduled


One key element that differentiates Confident Captain from our competitors is our emphasis on coaching and mentoring. These programs are designed to add a human element to the learning process, providing personalized guidance that goes far beyond the standard curriculum. By offering coaching and mentoring, our learners receive tailored advice from experienced captains who have navigated the challenges of the maritime industry themselves. This personal connection not only enhances the training experience but also fosters a sense of trust and accountability. Our mentors help learners identify their strengths, overcome weaknesses, and develop the leadership skills necessary to succeed on the water and in life. 

How it Works

Sign up for one of our courses and during check out add on the Accountability Coach. Then you will be paired with a professional mariner and instructor who will help you set up a tailored study schedule that fits your lifestyle, set specific and realistic goals, and will check in with you on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to help you stay on track.

Feel like you’re falling behind? No need to worry! Coaches are there to help with problem-solving, motivation, and flexible adaptations of study plans while also offering tips and answering questions about the material along the way.

Free Lights and Shapes Flashcard Download

Simply sign up to instantly download a sample set of Rules 20-30 will give you a sense of what you can expect from our online course.